
Psychology Councelling


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Certified Psychological Counseling Specialist

Nurture your emotional health and discover your whole luminous self

Stay healthy and get psy health support from licensed mental health specialist/dr. psychologist Diliara Khismantullina

Mental health is not a state, but a process.

People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds,
it is something one creates. (Thomas Szasz)

My therapy session based on methods

Heal your mind and soul with in-person and online therapy services. Individual mental health therapy sessions (sometimes we also call it mental health counseling) are an essential opportunity to process through issues that tend to isolate us. Whether it is a mood disorder, addiction, relationship challenges, trauma, or some other issue keeping you from living your life in a fulfilled way, we will work together to get rid of it.

Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis (by E.Berne) supports understanding ego states (Parent, Adult, Child) which give a deep understanding into one’s behaviors. This helps to decode communication patterns to resolve emotional problems to bring a change within while improving communication with self and our understanding of the world. It is also used as an effective tool for coaching to unlock true potential.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Its a method of studying and modeling effective behavioral strategies. The mean of "effective" includes core idea how economically and environmentally friendly actions you do towards the achievement of the goal


Psychodiagnosis- understanding of personal structure in clinical process Transgeneration- how we inherit our family's negative scripts and how to stop their influence. Mental Jogging -upgrade problem solving skills (TRAIN brain, mind, focus) LEELA,FLOW- a deep transformation therapy game

book session

A deep transformation therapy game. Get ready to transform yourself! LEELA.FLOW will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, create a stronger relationship with yourself and your partner, and create a vision for your future. A Path to Success is all about taking the right steps to achieve success in whatever you set your mind to.  

Adults Kids 7+ Group counselling

Get to know me

Good to see you here, I appreciate you taking the time to get to know a little bit more about me. Starting with my background: I have completed my high school diploma as Petroleum Engineer in USPTU working 14 years in Oil&Gas industry with 7+ years as Manager, I have found how psychology is important and its the key to the success of an individual and the team. In 2021 I decided to be certified in psychology sphere in Moscow University RUDN as Psychology counselling as Master's degree, and be certified in Transactional analysis with long path (101-TA and 202-TA). I started clearly understand the dynamics, patterns, and weaknesses of patients. I've been providing mental health counselling for 2+ years. I'm working with individuals dealing with a range of issues, such as anxiety and depression, terminal illness, unemployment, trauma and abuse, addictions of all kinds, loss in relationships, communication failures, and parenting concerns. My counseling approach is quite interactive and fun. Listening to your stories and digging deep to find the best solutions for your issue is my favorite part of therapy.

I am inTouch with a small team of highly professional psychotherapist for supervision sessions, and we utilize a multidisciplinary approach to provide individualized treatment for growth and healing.

Diliara Khismatullina

Psychologist and your friend

Frequently asked questions

Do I really need therapy to get into good mental health?

My partner, friend, or family member really needs therapy. Can I refer someone for counseling?

Is confidentiality guaranteed?

What determines the success of therapy?

What is the average duration of therapy?

What happens during the first session?

Do I really need therapy to get into good mental health?

This is a very common question asked by my clients. But it’s not easy to answer. Therapy is a process of personal growth, not a magic, and can be used to help you with any kind of mental or emotional issue you have. If you have a specific emotional issue, relationship issues, or just feeling down, counseling can help uplift your spirits and enhance your quality of life. When you are ready to change and improve the overall quality of your life, that's when therapy can help you.

You may be very concerned about someone's well-being and would like to see them have counselling. While it is best if the person in question reaches out for support themselves, we are able to take enquiries from you on behalf of someone else, but you should have their full consent.

Yes, everything you say is confidential, and I have taken auth to protect your privacy during counseling sessions. You can ask me questions before the therapy session begins if you have concerns about the confidentiality of the process. But there are some exceptions to the rule of confidentiality. The therapist must report as needed by law: threats of harm to oneself, threats of harm to others, suspected child or elder abuse – if the client is the victim or perpetrator.

The answer is simple and short – YOU. Therapy is a personal step that helps many clients along the way. Your success depends on how open and honest you are to the process, as well as to the therapist. If you are willing to take the time to look within and do the work necessary for change, you will be successful.

My individual therapy sessions are typically laying between 45-50 minutes, while group sessions run longer per session. Clients typically meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on the client’s needs and day schedule. The duration of therapy may vary depending on the circumstances of each client. I always determine that together with my clients right after their first session.

To review the client's background and treatment needs, the first appointment will serve as an initial evaluation. The client will get the chance to observe how therapy will function, review office procedures, discuss privacy and confidentiality, and decide whether or not they feel comfortable with me as their therapist during the initial session. Note: It's important to get along well with your therapist, therefore it's highly recommended that you meet each other two or three times before deciding whether or not to keep working together. I am always open to provide my clients with referral specialists or trusted colleagues if they feel someone else might better be able to work with them.


5+ years of experience

Author of two group training for Line Managment

101-TA, 202-TA

Member of ITAA, ORTA

Let's talk about your problem

I'll get in touch with you to schedule an appointment for you.

+974 3004 9710


5+ years of experience

Author of two group training for Line Managment

101-TA, 202-TA

Member of ITAA, ORTA

See what clients saying about therapy sessions

I put my clients' opinions from their blessings.

Let's resolve your issue, so it can inspire others by joining these success stories